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Palmerston Philatelic Auctions
01387 255508
Public auctions held in an ancient Scottish burgh since 1974
Loreburn Chambers, 11 Great King Street, Dumfries, DG1 1BA
ID#10604. Black album with transparent pockets. Mostly used postcards (1903-1965) depicting English towns and countryside, including Lake District, Yorkshire & Lancashire, London, some of Wales. 15 unused. Publishers Valentine, Excel, Bamber (Blackpool), Reeves (Penrith), Photochrom, Blackpool Herald, Reliable series, WHS &S, ECB Progress series, Pictorial Stationery, Wrench series, National series, ETW Dennis & Sons, London View Co, Monarch (Newcastle), Rapid Photo Printing, Raphael Tuck & Sons, Jackson & Son (Grimsby), R&W (Hastings), Shoesmith & Etheridge (Hastings), Frith's. 102 postcards. Est value £50.00
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