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Indian Commonwealth stamps

ID# 4003. Bangladesh. OFFICIALS. 1973 25p to 5ta SG. O6-O10 in unmounted block of 4. Stc. £114.00.

Asking price £14 or nearest offer.


ID# 6764. Ceylon. 1863-65 ½d mauve SG. 48c unused, some rough perfs at right; 1867-70 6d SG. 67b unused, rough perfs all round. 1951 10r SG. 430 harvesting rice 3 used examples. Cat. £66.

Asking price £14 or nearest offer.


ID# 9862. Ceylon. 1970. United Front Government 10c with mis-placed inverted. "15 + Black Blob" o/print, presumably intended to cover the 10c, but massively mis-placed. U/m vertical strip of 3.

Asking price £30 or nearest offer.


ID# 7652. Ceylon. 1951 10r SG. 430 harvesting rice 3 used examples. Cat. £66.

Asking price £11 or nearest offer.

ID# 3333. 1968-1997. Air India First Flight covers with special cachets. Bombay to various destinations incl. Entebbe, Addis Ababa, Osaka, Muscat, Amsterdam, Sana'a, Toronto, etc. Many with return flights.

Asking price £30 or nearest offer.


ID# 8444.1854-76. Small mint / unused lot. 1854 ½a (reprint?), 1860 8p, 1865 ½a (5), 8p (2), 1974 9p (2), 1876 6a (3), 1866 ½a fiscal (3, 1 used) including full stop reprint. Mixed condition.

Asking price £42 or nearest offer.


ID# 2679. 2004 Olympic se-tenant block of 4 with Olympic logo missing. With normal block for comparison. Unmounted mint. A striking error.

Asking price £200 or nearest offer.


ID# 3949. 1855 small native entire with ½a blue litho 3+ margins, cancels only part legible.

Asking price £15 or nearest offer.


ID# 3945. 2000 20r Amaltas (flower) SG. 1931 in imperf marginal block of 4 unmounted mint. Scarce.

Asking price £32 or nearest offer.


ID# 3861. 1869 cover with East India ½ anna & on reverse fine single circle TRAVELLNG P.O./ BENGAL/ No.2/ 1 JU/ RJ.

Asking price £20 or nearest offer.


ID# 3265. 1944 Italian P.O.W. mail. Card addressed to Sora (Frosinone) printed heading SERVICE OF PRISONERS OF WAR/ (SOLO L'INDRIZZO DA QUESTO LATO) with crowned censor's stamp "PASSED/ DHP/2" and violet straight-line DHP 101. Message on reverse to mother ex Camp no 26/ 3B c/o G.P.O. Bombay.

Asking price £15 or nearest offer.


ID# 3301. 1700s. 2 entires with hand-drawn symbols - sun.

Asking price £16 or nearest offer.


ID# 2256. ASSORTMENT in Hagner sheets & on various leaves, majority pre-1947 with a few later, good deal of duplication, some on piece, many better cancellations incl. MOBILE P.O., GOLDEN TEMPLE, R.M.S. (Railway cancel), a few States, some QV mint, cut-outs ex airmail stationery, ps cards etc.

Asking price £40 or nearest offer.


ID# 1683. 2000 onward. Wildlife series 2R rose marginal imperf block of 4, unmounted mint.

Asking price £26 or nearest offer.

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