Palmerston Philatelic Auctions
01387 255508
Public auctions held in an ancient Scottish burgh since 1974
Loreburn Chambers, 11 Great King Street, Dumfries, DG1 1BA
Queen Victoria stamps for sale
ID# 10386. 1878 £1 Brown-lilac H-G. Very fine used with clear GLASGOW AP 25 82 Cancel. Centred to Right. SG. 129. (Photo). Asking price £1400 or nearest offer.
ID# 10388. 1882 £5 Orange A-F. An exceptionally fine used example with clear circular Glasgow JU 7 95 CDS Cancel. SG. 137. (Photo).
Asking price £1850 or nearest offer.
ID# 10572. 1882 £5 Orange B-C. A fine example with small expert mark on back. SG. 137. (Photo).
Asking price £4000 or nearest offer.
ID# 9917. 1840 2d Blues: D-K, E-D, M-E, 1, 2, 3 margin respectively, all with good, black M/C cancels. Plates nos 1,2,1.
Asking price £120 or nearest offer.
ID# 10064. 1840. 2d blue T-D. Fine, lightly cancelled 3½ Margin (close at bottom) example, in special Presentation folder.
Asking price £80 or nearest offer.
ID# 7387. 1840-1992: DAVO Std. printed album with collection pre-dec. used to 1951. 1840 1d black (fair), other scattered QV to 5/-; KEVII to 2/6; KGV to 2/6, KGVI complete to £1 (3); good range mainly mint incl. unm. commems (few phos); some defs., H. vals (mainly used). Clear mounts in place for stamps.
Asking price £135 or nearest offer.
ID# 9926. 1841 1d red brown imperf. 10 earlier examples, including strip of 4 all with decent black m/c cancels. Mostly 3 margins. Attractive little lot, some with plates nos on back.
Asking price £50 or nearest offer.
ID# 9928. 1841 1d red brown imperf. Strip of 4 (almost 4 margins), block of 4 (close cut all round), pair (almost 4m), 3 singles (1 with part marginal inscriptions). Various shades, cancels. Unchecked for plates, varieties.
Asking price £50 or nearest offer.
ID# 10213. 1841 1d red used lot including 2 very fine blue paper and 5 with black m/c cancels. Margins vary but some fine. SG. 8, 8a.
Asking price £25 or nearest offer.
ID# 9369. 1841 1d RED: Used selection on small Hagner Sheet, including several with M/C Cancels & Decent Margins.
Asking price £40 or nearest offer.
ID# 9929. 1841 1d red-brown. 10 mostly 3-margin examples, some with plate number on back, others unplated. Includes one with Ivory Head. Range of Shades and Cancels all later than m/c.
Asking price £17 or nearest offer.
ID# 9959. 1841 1d Red-brown. 2 Fine-looking examples, one unused, one fine used with brilliant, black m/c cancel. PS Small black spot on former appears to be part of paper.
Asking price £40 or nearest offer.
ID# 9936. 1841 2d Blue Imperf plate 3. 2 Horizontal pairs and 2 singles. Mostly 3 margins, used with 1844 type cancels.
Asking price £28 or nearest offer.
ID# 9934. 1841 2d blue imperf plate 3. 4 margin example used with Clear Black m/c cancel.
Asking price £30 or nearest offer.
ID# 9933. 1841 2d Blue Imperf plate 3. Bright 3-margin unused example, touch of gum on back. Also 2d Blue imperf pl.3 Unused, but 2 margins only.
Asking price £80 or nearest offer.
ID# 9935. 1841 2d blue imperf plate 4. Bright unused almost 4-margin example, has cut into frame of letter E at bottom right corner. Possibly re-gummed.
Asking price £30 or nearest offer.
ID# 9937. 1841 2d Blue Imperf plate 4. Horizontal Pair and 2 singles. Mostly 3 margins, used with 1844 type cancels.
Asking price £20 or nearest offer.
ID# 10218. 1841-1879. 1d red montage in wall display frame, good range of plate numbers, many faded, but worth "rescuing". Earlier including 4 m. examples.
Asking price £30 or nearest offer.
ID# 7881. 1854-57 2d sc p.16, 1858-79 2d pl. nos 7, 12, 13, 14 (2). SG. 19, 45-46. All good used.
Asking price £28 or nearest offer.
ID# 7360. 1855-57. QV 6d pale lilac horizontal pair SG. 70, 1/- green (2) good/ fine used SG. 72, 73a (scarce azure paper).
Asking price £120 or nearest offer.
ID# 10132. 1856-1863. Tiny study of various cancellations on 1d reds including 2 entires: CDS: English, Scot, Irish Town, London, Leeds (s/w duplex), Dundee (St. line), Perf. shift & re-entry on 1d p.16 s/c. A few stamps removed.
Asking price £20 or nearest offer.
ID# 9931. 1857-79. 1d Red Large Crown wmk Plate 16 unused with gum, Vertical and diag. crease SG. 36. 1d red-brown (poor) bright unused with gum (re-spread?). Also 1d pale-red, both lc wmk, p14. SG, 37, 38. 1d rose-red pl. 45 used SG. 40. 1864-79 pl. 80 (mis-aligned) Unused, pl.111 (mis-aligned) used, Strip of 3 pl. 113 used.
Asking price £100 or nearest offer.
ID# 10214. 1858-1876. 2d blues plate 13, 15 (2) appear unused (some o.g. on back) SG. 46.
Asking price £17 or nearest offer.
ID# 7882. 1858-70 1d red Pl. 78 M/ mint. (Ret. £ 40).
Asking price £20 or nearest offer.
ID# 7861. 1858-70 QV 1d red plates unused. #79, 170, 171 (2), 184, 196, 201, 203, 204 are without gum; usual gum cracking #181, 201, 203; other faults (poor centring, close cut, etc.), but fresh appearance.
Asking price £54 or nearest offer.
ID# 7359. 1858-70. QV 1d red plate 200 block of 4 OC/PD m. mint, filing crease on rear of bottom two stamps, but fine fresh appearance.
Asking price £50 or nearest offer.
ID# 7358. 1858-70. QV 1d red plate 78 EB mounted mint.
Asking price £28 or nearest offer.
ID# 9940. 1858-76. 2d blue plate nos 8, 9, 12, 13(2), 14, 15. All apparently unused with some gum on back. On close inspection, most have trace of black cancel. SG. 45-6.
Asking price £48 or nearest offer.
ID# 9942. 1858-76. 2d blue plate nos 9, 13 (2), 14 (2), 15 (5). Almost all with just a trace of a cancel, some with gum on back, possibly o.g. Mixed condition, centering etc. but some fine.
Asking price £30 or nearest offer.
ID# 9941. 1858-76. 2d blue plate nos 9, 13 (2), 14, 15 (2). All apparently unused, but nearly all with trace of horizontal black cancel.
Asking price £30 or nearest offer.
ID# 7863. 1860-187?. Batch entires addressed to Edinburgh with EDINR M Railway markings Wilson types 682, 685, 688, 691; also FREE double circle (front only) from 1839. Letters mostly legible, concern shipment of beers, Liqueurs etc.
Asking price £42 or nearest offer.
ID# 9830. 1865-1881. Hagner Sheet with used lot SP issues with values to 1/- (8). Condition throughout Average to Good. Stamps arranged in Groups by Value. Slight duplication here and there.
Asking price £150 or nearest offer.
ID# 9949. 1867-1883. M/C wmk. 5/- 2 Shades, both used SG. 126 with Medium cancel, centred left, small Perf repair at bottom. SG. 127 is sound, but has heavier, smudged cancel. Anchor wmk. 5/-, slightly toned, has medium cancel and a couple of shortish Perfs at bottom, but is still a scarce stamp.
Asking price £80 or nearest offer.
ID# 9945. 1870 ½d red (shades) plate 6, 10, 12, 13, 20 used, mainly fairly heavy cancels. 2 examples of each plate.
Asking price £11 or nearest offer.
ID# 9829. 1870-1874. Hagner Sheet with used lot QV Surface-Printed issues, values to 1/- (4). Some duplication in places. Commencing 1870 1½d plate 3 (unused), Condition throughout average to good. Also 1847-54 Embossed 10d, 1/- both cut-to-shape. Stamps are arranged in groups by Values, NOT as per SG. With some misidentified.
Asking price £200 or nearest offer.
ID# 9947. 1877-8. 2½d rosy-mauve plate 8, 9, 11 unused. Plate appears fine, pl.9 has small Perf fault at top. Pl. 11 has thin at top. SG. 141.
Asking price £20 or nearest offer.
ID# 10312. 1880 1d Venetian red. Complete re-constructed set A-A to T-L. Mostly good used on 6 Stock sheets. SG. 166. Not easy to assemble.
Asking price £80 or nearest offer.
ID# 7366. 1880-87. Small lot used QV incl. SG. 168, 171 (14 dots), O3, O43, O66, O70 (last 2 not guaranteed genuine).
Asking price £18 or nearest offer.
ID# 9951. 1881 1d Lilac Die 2, Unmounted mint Vertical Strip of 3 with bottom margin. Sl. Toning and vertical gum crease on back does not detract from fine appearance. SG. 172 Wi Cat. £180.
Asking price £40 or nearest offer.
ID# 7361. 1881. QV 1d lilac with wmk inverted unmounted mint (sl. vertical crease does not detract) SG. 172Wi with normal (mounted) for comparison SG. 172.
Asking price £13 or nearest offer.
ID# 10308. 1884 ½d slate-blue. Fine unm. mint block of six. SG. 187.
Asking price £50 or nearest offer.
ID# 10573. 1884 2/6 Lilac I-G on white paper clean Corner crease on back does not detract from clean appearance.
Asking price £80 or nearest offer.
ID# 9953. 1887-92 QV Jubilee Issue set used. Green colour on 4½d and 1/- Green and Carmine somewhat faded. Cancels vary from light to somewhat heavy.
Asking price £24 or nearest offer.
ID# 10065. 1887-92. Jubilee issue. Special Presentation folder with complete set in average used condition. Includes "History of issue".
Asking price £25 or nearest offer.
ID# 7378. 1887-92. QV "Jubilee" issue 1/- dull green. Used example, reasonable colour.
Asking price £5 or nearest offer.
ID# 10306. 1888 QV £1 Brown-lilac P-C. Wmk ORBS used with clear cds "Vere Street FS 10 1889" and Pt. rect. cancel. An elusive stamp. SG. 186.
Asking price £450 or nearest offer.
ID# 10579. 1891 £1 Green D-D somewhat toned gum but cat £3,500. SG. 212.
Asking price £800 or nearest offer.
ID# 10389. 1891 £1 Green H-C. A very fine, fresh used example with 2 Part-Oval REGISTERED 29 MAY 02 cancels. SG. 212. (Photo).
Asking price £180 or nearest offer.
ID# 10445. Mid Victorian covers with Penny Black stamps and seals, the earlier one (1852) was sent from Cumnock to the Reverent Jaffrey in Holywood, and the later one (1866) sent from Coupar Angus to the 7th Duke of Athole in Dunkeld. Both covers are in good condition and both have good seals (A flower over ‘Forget me not’, and a Lion and Unicorn respectively). The estimate represents similar covers offered online and a considerable markdown.
Asking price £24 or nearest offer.
ID# 10174. OFFICIALS. 1882-1902. Small used lot on stockcards comprising O3, O13, O17, O20, O21 (2), O41 (2), O42, O49 (7). Cat. £74.
Asking price £14 or nearest offer.
ID# 10069. OFFICIALS: 1882-1903. Special Annotated Folder with selection used INLAND Revenue SG. O3, O13, O37. ARMY: SG. O42, O48, O49. GOVT PARCELS: SG. O65, O66, O67, O68, O69, O76.
Asking price £25 or nearest offer.
ID# 6485. POSTAL FISCAL. QV 3d wmk Anchor SG. F13 centred to left unmounted mint.
Asking price £30 or nearest offer.
ID# 10314. TELEGRAPH STAMPS: 1876 1/- deep green unused, pt 1. Fresh colour. Part OG.
Asking price £15 or nearest offer.
ID# 4130. 1887 QV ½d Vermilion m/mint pt.o.g. example, wmk. Inverted. Cat. £45.
Asking price £10 or nearest offer.
ID# 2668. 1840 (Feb 18) wrapper only addressed to Wem (Shropshire). Illegible mark on front (possibly 3), on reverse dated double arc of Shrewsbury and TOO LATE, both in black.
Asking price £8 or nearest offer.
ID# 2253. 1890 PENNY POST JUBILEE. 3 unused envelopes with unused card insert, 2 with flap torn, 1 stuck down rust spots.
Asking price £14 or nearest offer.
ID# 2507. 1864 1d "stars" on small, somewhat foxed envelope addressed to Preston, cancelled by CONWAY "c" Duplex dated 4 MR 64, the MR slug being inverted. Small ring backstamp "R1 Preston My 5 64" is normal.
Asking price £10 or nearest offer.
ID# 2193. 1840 1d black Pl. 1b TC. Fine 3½ margin, large at bottom, example with red Maltese Cross cancel. Photo.
Asking price £38 or nearest offer.
ID# 142. 1880-83 QV surcharges 3d & 6d SG. 159 & 162. Used, both with hexagonal "late fee" cancels.
Asking price £27 or nearest offer.
ID# 141. 1867-80 QV 2/- blue large uncoloured letters, spray of rose wmk, plate 1. Used, centred to bottom, heavy London cancel.
Asking price £15 or nearest offer.
ID# 140. 1855-57 QV 4d rose large garter wmk SG. 66 used with part London triple cancel.
Asking price £10 or nearest offer.