Palmerston Philatelic Auctions
01387 255508
Public auctions held in an ancient Scottish burgh since 1974
Loreburn Chambers, 11 Great King Street, Dumfries, DG1 1BA
King George VI stamps for sale
ID# 10394. 1948-1951. KGVI 1948 Seaweed set, 1951 Festival set and 1951 High values 2/6-£1. All fine mint & used, all except Festival 2½d, 4d unmounted.
Asking price £35 or nearest offer.
ID# 9838. 1948 Silver Wedding 2½d (6), £1 unm. mint. SG. 493-494.
Asking price £15 or nearest offer.
ID# 10148. BOOKLETS: 1945 April KGVI 2/6 Booklet SG. BD18. Clean condition, good perfs. Cat. £160.
Asking price £46 or nearest offer.
ID# 9731. PINK ring-binder with 1948 King George VI Pictorial Definitives proposed by design company, Geniality. Attractive colourful design ½d-£1, but not adopted….
Asking price £15 or nearest offer.
ID# 9650. 1939 KGVI 2/6 Brown. Well-centred unm. mint. Slight, almost invisible vertical gum crease does not detract. Cat. £100.
Asking price £35 or nearest offer.
ID# 9960. BOOKLETS: 1952 KGVI 1/- booklet mostly fine, a few clipped perfs, as usual with these. SG. BD8. Cat. £25.
Asking price £10 or nearest offer.
ID# 9789. 1939-48. KGVI "Square" High Values used, the Dark 10/- Nicely so. SG. 476-478c.
Asking price £15 or nearest offer.
ID# 8685. RED SENATOR STANDARD ALBUM 1937-51 KGVI collection. 10 May 1937 FDC ½d, 1d, 2½d on plain cov (3), low values appear complete including s/w & inv wmk, 1939-48 & 1951 Festival h.vals all complete u/m & f/u, 1937 Coronation (57) including plain FDC (3), Cyl block 6 (4) & other mint blocks incl cyl (4+), varieties inc colon flaw (u), ray flaw (2m, 2u) Comet flaw (on French Morocco) (m/m), 1946 Victory 3d "extra berry" in block 6 (m), 1948 SW to £1 u/m & f/u, Olympics 3d incl "crown flaw" in f/u block of 4. London 1950 ex-sheet + a few cut-outs. 175 items including blocks & covers.
Asking price £280 or nearest offer.
ID# 8015. 1939-48 "Square" KGVI high values: 2/6 brown, 2/6 yellow-green (6), 5/- red (5), 10/- ultramarine (4). All average used perfin: K, LH, M, MB etc.
Asking price £10 or nearest offer.